Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
You have GOT to be kidding me!!!
I know I said that the sewer plant would be my next post, but something happened today that just has me floored!!!
So I picked up my kindergarten kids. I leave the school at 11:05 am. I just got a new student on my route. She was going to a daycare in town, but now goes to a different "day care" (or rather don't care). It is not an offical one, like with a sign outside that says "day care" and a pushbutton lock on the door. Rather it is someone's house. It sits back off the road a bit, but I can see the front door from my bus.
So, this girl is the second stop off. I am at the "day don't care" at 11:10. She gets off the bus, runs up to the door and tries to open the door. Locked. She rings the bell and pounds on the door. Nothing. There are two cars in the driveway but nobody comes to the window. She kept ringing. After a minute, I called her back to the bus. We have a very strict policy about kindergarteners. If no one is home or comes out to meet them, they don't go home. They go back on the bus till someone can be reached and if needs be, back to school. I radioed in that she was back with me. Since this is a new "day don't care", the phone number is not in our system. I was told to continue on with my route and stop back by her house after I was done.
ONE HOUR LATER I'm back in front of the "day don't care". If anyone had called in looking for her, I would of been notified. I had not been notified of anything. Again, two cars in the driveway, ringing of the doorbell and pounding and nothing. So she is back on my bus. I radio in again. "Base" is aware of what is going on and starts calling all the phone numbers on file. Finally, they got ahold of Mom, who is home sick (across the road from "day don't care") and asked if I could bring the girl over to her. When I dropped her off, Mom looked be all of 17 years old.
ONE HOUR LATER, at home, now 1pm. I get a phone call from the dispatcher asking where the girl is. Seems that Dad is just getting around to looking for her TWO HOURS after she was supposed to be dropped off at "day don't care".
I replayed the whole story to my dispatcher. When I talked to her later, she said that Dad tried to push it back on us (the bus driver and transportation) saying that the "day don't care" provider was standing outside waiting for me and I never showed up. BULL!!!! I was sitting in the road for almost 2 minutes the first time and almost 5 mins the second time.
It just makes me sooooo MAD that it takes 2 flippen hours to get around to looking for a 5 year old. If my child didnt' show up 10 minutes after the scheduled time, I was on the phone tracking her down. I know day care has a purpose and that some parents have to work, but TWO HOURS?!?!?!?!
So I picked up my kindergarten kids. I leave the school at 11:05 am. I just got a new student on my route. She was going to a daycare in town, but now goes to a different "day care" (or rather don't care). It is not an offical one, like with a sign outside that says "day care" and a pushbutton lock on the door. Rather it is someone's house. It sits back off the road a bit, but I can see the front door from my bus.
So, this girl is the second stop off. I am at the "day don't care" at 11:10. She gets off the bus, runs up to the door and tries to open the door. Locked. She rings the bell and pounds on the door. Nothing. There are two cars in the driveway but nobody comes to the window. She kept ringing. After a minute, I called her back to the bus. We have a very strict policy about kindergarteners. If no one is home or comes out to meet them, they don't go home. They go back on the bus till someone can be reached and if needs be, back to school. I radioed in that she was back with me. Since this is a new "day don't care", the phone number is not in our system. I was told to continue on with my route and stop back by her house after I was done.
ONE HOUR LATER I'm back in front of the "day don't care". If anyone had called in looking for her, I would of been notified. I had not been notified of anything. Again, two cars in the driveway, ringing of the doorbell and pounding and nothing. So she is back on my bus. I radio in again. "Base" is aware of what is going on and starts calling all the phone numbers on file. Finally, they got ahold of Mom, who is home sick (across the road from "day don't care") and asked if I could bring the girl over to her. When I dropped her off, Mom looked be all of 17 years old.
ONE HOUR LATER, at home, now 1pm. I get a phone call from the dispatcher asking where the girl is. Seems that Dad is just getting around to looking for her TWO HOURS after she was supposed to be dropped off at "day don't care".
I replayed the whole story to my dispatcher. When I talked to her later, she said that Dad tried to push it back on us (the bus driver and transportation) saying that the "day don't care" provider was standing outside waiting for me and I never showed up. BULL!!!! I was sitting in the road for almost 2 minutes the first time and almost 5 mins the second time.
It just makes me sooooo MAD that it takes 2 flippen hours to get around to looking for a 5 year old. If my child didnt' show up 10 minutes after the scheduled time, I was on the phone tracking her down. I know day care has a purpose and that some parents have to work, but TWO HOURS?!?!?!?!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
So much time has passed
and so much has happened since school started. I feel guilty for not updating, but that biggest thing I have been doing is adjusting. I am NOT a morning person. Never have been, never will be. Yet, I ASKED for a route that leaves at 6:30 in the a.m. I must of been nuts!!! (actually I was wanting larger paychecks). Nathan would have to walk to the high school this year so he has to get up with me. That actually should say I have to drag him from his bed at 5:30 to go with me. Eric also rides with me. My hubby got the okay to come into work 30 mins later so he get the girls out the door to their bus stop.
My route this year is a double route. I drive clear out to Timbucktoo to pick up high school and middle schoolers. If you go out to the farest point on my route and kick around in the dirt you will see the diveding line between ours and the next district LOL! After droping the high schoolers (and my son) off at 7:30, I swing by a gym in town and pick up the middle school girls basketball team and take them and the remaining middle schoolers on my route to the middle school. Than I stop at 5 different day cares in town to pickup elementry students. I drop them off at 8:05 am and than some mornings, my sister is waiting for as I watch her daughter while she works two days a week. I only have Brooklyn occasionaly and she rides the bus with me on those days. I also do a kindergarten route mid day than take home the same kids that I picked up in the morning.
I also pick up 6th grade band students on Tuesdays and Thursdays and take them to the middle school for band practice. We have 4 elementry schools and one middle school so they converge to the middle school for band. One day I overheard a student make a threat against a teacher. I don't think he realy ment her harm, but it is my job to report such items. He cried when I talked to him about it, but the teacher who was there thinks he was just upset about being caught and not sorry for what he said. I don't know if anything came of it, as he still goes to band, but at least I did my part.
I'm not doing field trips like I did last year. I was trying to make up for some lost hours last year and my family paid the price. I was gone so much it just wasn't worth all the chaos at home. I have done some trips this year, but they have mostly all been during school hours so I'm not losing time at home. I will make a post about my most favorite trip so far this year.
So, to wrap this up, I was tagged by Jamie. 'Cept I'm going to break the rules and NOT pass this on, but I will post 6 random things about me :)
6 Random Things
1. I hate spiders. I refuse to step on them as the crunch of their bodies makes me sick. I have worked in a nursing home, cleaned up poop, pee, vomit, blood, and packed wounds (including my own) yet I will not squish a spider. It about sent me thru the roof when I ran over a snake with my bus and I could hear it's body crunch under my wheels.
2. I wanted to be a truck driver when I grew up. My dad was a long haul trucker. So I comprimised LOL!
3. I love foods that are pickled. I have never tried pickled eggs or the worm in a tequilla bottle (nor will I ever) but if it is pickled, it is a safe bet that I will love it
4. I have a thing for socks. Not plain socks, but fun socks. I have socks for every major holiday except thanksgiving. I have had Betty Boop ones that everyone thought were cows, I had socks from the Hard Rock hotel in Las Vegas ( I found them at a thrift store), Right now I'm wearing socks with cute bugs on them. I also have some toe socks, but my big toe is too fat and they bother me.
5. I split my face open in the seventh grade while riding a snow mobile. It takes real talent to do that. That same talent is what made me break my arm the first time I ever played floor hockey. If you ever wonder why there is no more women's floor hockey at TVBC, just thank me!
6. My girls were all born on Thursday. My oldes on a Wedensday and youngest on a Friday. Megan messed up our month thing. My birthday is Feb. Melissa's is March, Chuck is April, Nathan is May. We had a number thing going on too till Melissa came along. My birthday is the 24th, Nathan the 25th and Chuck the 26th. Chuck and I got engaged in May and married in December so I say we have a May to December romance.
Was that random enough? Stayed tuned for the super exicting story of the field trip to the sewer treatment plant!!!!
My route this year is a double route. I drive clear out to Timbucktoo to pick up high school and middle schoolers. If you go out to the farest point on my route and kick around in the dirt you will see the diveding line between ours and the next district LOL! After droping the high schoolers (and my son) off at 7:30, I swing by a gym in town and pick up the middle school girls basketball team and take them and the remaining middle schoolers on my route to the middle school. Than I stop at 5 different day cares in town to pickup elementry students. I drop them off at 8:05 am and than some mornings, my sister is waiting for as I watch her daughter while she works two days a week. I only have Brooklyn occasionaly and she rides the bus with me on those days. I also do a kindergarten route mid day than take home the same kids that I picked up in the morning.
I also pick up 6th grade band students on Tuesdays and Thursdays and take them to the middle school for band practice. We have 4 elementry schools and one middle school so they converge to the middle school for band. One day I overheard a student make a threat against a teacher. I don't think he realy ment her harm, but it is my job to report such items. He cried when I talked to him about it, but the teacher who was there thinks he was just upset about being caught and not sorry for what he said. I don't know if anything came of it, as he still goes to band, but at least I did my part.
I'm not doing field trips like I did last year. I was trying to make up for some lost hours last year and my family paid the price. I was gone so much it just wasn't worth all the chaos at home. I have done some trips this year, but they have mostly all been during school hours so I'm not losing time at home. I will make a post about my most favorite trip so far this year.
So, to wrap this up, I was tagged by Jamie. 'Cept I'm going to break the rules and NOT pass this on, but I will post 6 random things about me :)
6 Random Things
1. I hate spiders. I refuse to step on them as the crunch of their bodies makes me sick. I have worked in a nursing home, cleaned up poop, pee, vomit, blood, and packed wounds (including my own) yet I will not squish a spider. It about sent me thru the roof when I ran over a snake with my bus and I could hear it's body crunch under my wheels.
2. I wanted to be a truck driver when I grew up. My dad was a long haul trucker. So I comprimised LOL!
3. I love foods that are pickled. I have never tried pickled eggs or the worm in a tequilla bottle (nor will I ever) but if it is pickled, it is a safe bet that I will love it
4. I have a thing for socks. Not plain socks, but fun socks. I have socks for every major holiday except thanksgiving. I have had Betty Boop ones that everyone thought were cows, I had socks from the Hard Rock hotel in Las Vegas ( I found them at a thrift store), Right now I'm wearing socks with cute bugs on them. I also have some toe socks, but my big toe is too fat and they bother me.
5. I split my face open in the seventh grade while riding a snow mobile. It takes real talent to do that. That same talent is what made me break my arm the first time I ever played floor hockey. If you ever wonder why there is no more women's floor hockey at TVBC, just thank me!
6. My girls were all born on Thursday. My oldes on a Wedensday and youngest on a Friday. Megan messed up our month thing. My birthday is Feb. Melissa's is March, Chuck is April, Nathan is May. We had a number thing going on too till Melissa came along. My birthday is the 24th, Nathan the 25th and Chuck the 26th. Chuck and I got engaged in May and married in December so I say we have a May to December romance.
Was that random enough? Stayed tuned for the super exicting story of the field trip to the sewer treatment plant!!!!
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