Wednesday, August 20, 2008

All dressed up and ready to go

The signs are over the back door and say "Step into a great school year". The blobs on the ceiling are foot prints. I traced my 4 yr old's shoe and cut them out of construction paper. Mollie was my helper and she did great considering it was about 200 degrees on the bus!

Wanna see my bus?

Here she is!!! Bus 22 all cleaned up and ready for the first day of school. That was one dirty dirty bus. Some of the windows were left open over summer and each seat was coated with dirt and dust and even sand. Each seat had to be wiped, the floor swept, each window was washed. I even wiped down the ceiling and the rails over the windows. I also tried to get alot of the grime off the window frames. Than it got a good bath in the bus wash and decorated up!

This type of bus is called a transit. The engine compartment is inside the front of the bus, and the driver is sitting in front of the wheels. I really like this kind of bus. It turns sharper than the conventional (nose in front) buses.

I recieved my route lists too and HOLY CAMOLY I have 86 middle school/high school passengers!!!! Last year, not all of them rode, so we may be okay, but if they all come, it is going to take a crow bar to get them off. The route is basically the same as it was last year with a few extra stops. My kindergarten route is really different but I was expecting that. With the cost of fuel rising up and up, routes have been condensed and consolidated to maximize fuel efficency.

So, one more free day than BACK TO SCHOOL!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

What goes around comes around

One of the things that I did in my youth, and still do and still love is playing the flute. I started in the 5th grade. I remeber is was hard! Learning to put all your air into a little hole than also learning how to press down the right keys so it all came was HARD! But, I stayed with it all thru high school. I play in our church orchestra now, but I do love it. I even bought an intermediate flute for myself.

Well, now my going into 6th grade daughter is learning how to play. Plus, my freshman son is a snare drummer (but is doing base drum for marching band). Melissa had "band camp" all this past week. Basically, it was teaching them how to put their instrument together, clean it and basic music reading and learning how to make a sound. Each group of instruments came at a different time each day and on Friday they had a "concert". All the groups came together and they played "Hot Cross Buns" , "Clair de lune" and 2 other songs. For kids who have only been playing for 4 days, they really did sound great.

Every time I have had to sit thru one of Nathan or Melissa's concerts I always call my mom right afterwards and thank her profussly for the years of concerts that I put her thru. All the sitting on of bleachers in a gym with horrible accustics and worse air conditioning, the butchering of familiar songs. The freezing football games, watching me march or do flags, traveling to other towns to watch, getting up at 3am to pick me up from school after a way out of town competition. The getting me to school early for zero hour practice than picking me up again after 6pm. It has come full circle. I have listened to bad renditions of 80's songs, seen horrible posture and the football games will be starting next month.

I CAN'T wait!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Last Days

Yes, summer vaccation is winding down. In a little over a week, school will be back in session. Back to early bedtimes, early wake up times, moutains of paper sent home from school. Lunches and field trips and life keeps going on.

I can tell my own sweet precious children are ready for a change. They have been at each other's throats! They bicker over the stupidest stuff. Needless to say, it doesn't make for a very happy mama when the young'uns are fussing!

What did you do this summer? We stayed home alot. We did take a trip to Lagoon Theme Park in Utah. That was fun. We traveled with my parents and my sister's family. The only ones missing were my brother's family who deserted us to go to Bible School in Pensacola FL. I can't be too mad at them though, Kinnereth just gave birth a precious little guy named Greyson.

We also did summer school, me driving and Mollie attending. I have no clue if it helped her or not. There were no grades, no communication from the teacher nada. Just a large stack of paper that came home at the end of the session. For all the enviromental c-rap that public schools spout, they sure use a lot of trees!

My oldest son if following in my footsteps and is now a member of the high school marching band. He is a bass drummer this year and wants to play snare next year. I am very proud of him! It seems to be something he enjoys and being a band geek is not all bad :)

So, not much humor in this post. I'm tired.